포트 마스킹이 엔진의 부분부하 성능에 미치는 영향:Part II - 배기 및 연비특성
This paper is the second of companion papers, which investigate port-masking effects on emission and fuel economy. Port-masking was applied to commercial SOHC 3-valve engine by inserting masking plates between manifold and port. To induce various conditions of stratification, six types of masking plates were applied. In this paper, main interest is focused on the influence of injection timing on emission and fuel economy.
Various injection timing was applied to the six cases, under the stoichiometric and lean-limit air-fuel ratio. Under the stoichiometric condition, an explanation about the reason of the change in emission level due to injection timing change is given. It is observed that NOx emission under the LML condition varies significantly when the injection timing changes.