Towards a Brave New Arms Industry

INTRODUCTION THE LADDER OF PRODUCTION AND THE ROLE OF THE STATE IN SECOND-TIER DEFENCE INDUSTRIALISATION Reality Sets In: The Second-Tier Arms Producers in the Post-Cold War Era Facing Up to the Learning Curve BRAZIL: PAINFUL EXIT, SUCCESSFUL NICHE PRODUCER South Africa: Importing to Preserve Domestic Arms Industries South Korea: Trying to Grow out of its Problems Sweden: Globalising for Survival Taiwan: Dazed and Confused PATTERNS OF READJUSTMENT The Emerging 'Hub-and Spoke' of Global Arms Production CONCLUSION: IMPLICATIONS AND CHALLENGES AHEAD LADDER OF PRODUCTION MODELS FOR INDIGENOUS ARMS PRODUCTION Arms Exports for Selected Second-Tier Arms-Producing Countries Workforce Reductions in Selected Second-Tier Arms-Producing Countries Globalisation Activities in Selected Second-Tier Arms-Producing Countries