Chemical Reactor Analysis and Design Fundamentals

January 2, 2011 1. cover, change sign on Ẇs term and add Ẇb term to energy balance at bottom of cover. 2. cover, remove minus sign in front of Dj . 3. p. 43, three lines above first equation, change “Equation 2.27” to “Reaction 2.26.” Thanks to Manos Mavrikakis of UW for pointing out this erratum. 4. p. 78, last equation, replace ∆CP with ∆C◦ P . Thanks to Carlos Henao of UW for pointing out this erratum. 5. p. 91, last paragraph, change “the production of 2,2,4 is preferable” to “the production of 2,2,3 is preferable.” Thanks to Manos Mavrikakis of UW for pointing out this erratum. 6. p. 103, Exercise 3.10, change equation in (a) to kf kr = K RTz φ̂A φ̂B in which z is the compressibility factor of the mixture. 7. p. 103, Exercise 3.10 (b), change “ideal mixture” to “ideal-gas mixture.”