제로에너지 건축물 구현을 위한 구성 요소 분석

The environmental impact of a building throughout its life-cycle: construction, maintenance, operation and demolition, is enormous. Considering the fact that buildings annually consume more than 30~40% of the total energy and emit 45% of CO2, it is urgent to develop design method and technologies to realize Zero Energy Building. Globally, technologies to reduce the building energy consumption have been developed in the form of passive solar house, self-sufficient house and zero energy house. Yet, these approaches tend to focus on only building operational energy by applying high performance glazing, super insulation, heat recovery system and renewable energy technologies, while cases in the United States tend to put more consideration on material selection in order to reduce embodied energy. Embodied energy is a key factor to reduce total building energy consumption because the proportion of embodied energy tends to rise as building's thermal performance increases.