World Vegetables: Principles, Production and Nutritive Values

Part 1: Introduction. Vegetables and the World's Food Supply. Origin and Evolution of Vegetables. Vegetable Classification. Importance of Vegetables for Human Nutrition. Toxic Substances and Some Folk and Medicinal Uses of Vegetables. Part 2: Vegetable Growing Principles. Environmental Factors Influencing Vegetable Growth. Climate Control for Vegetable Production During Off-Seasons and During Adverse Conditions. Part 3: World Vegetables. A Global View of Vegetable Usage. Part A: Vegetables Consisting of Starchy Roots, Tubers and Fruits. White or Irish Potato. Sweet Potato. Cassava. Yam. Taro, Tannia, and Other Edible Aroids. Additional Underground Starchy Vegetables. Sweet Corn. Plantain, Starchy Bananas, Breadfruit, and Jackfruit. Part B - Vegetables Consisting of Succulent Roots, Bulbs, Leaves, and Fruits Onions and Other Alliums. Lettuce and other Composite Vegetables. Cole Crops and other Crucifers. Carrot, Celery and other Vegetable Apiaceae. Beans, other Vegetable Legumes. Tomato, Pepper, Eggplant and Additional Solanaceous Vegetables. Melons, Cucumbers, Squashes, and Other Cucurbit Species. Spinach, Beet, and Other Vegetable Chenopodiaceae Additional Succulent Vegetables. Mushrooms. Aquatic Vegetables. Herbs and Spices.