Improvement Design for Distributed Real-Time Stream Processing Systems

Abstract In the era of Big Data, typical architecture of distributed real-time stream processing systems is the combination of Flume, Kafka, and Storm. As a kind of distributed message system, Kafka has the characteristics of horizontal scalability and high throughput, which is manly deployed in many areas in order to address the problem of speed mismatch between message producers and consumers. When using Kafka, we need to quickly receive data sent by producers. In addition, we need to send data to consumers quickly. Therefore, the performance of Kafka is of critical importance to the performance of the whole stream processing system. In this paper, we propose the improved design of real-time stream processing systems, and focus on improving the Kafka’s data loading process. We use Kafka cat to transfer data from the source to Kafka topic directly, which can reduce the network transmission. We also utilize the memory file system to accelerate the process of data loading, which can address the bottleneck and performance problems caused by disk I/O. Extensive experiments are conducted to evaluate the performance, which show the superiority of our improved design.