Deep Predictive Coding Networks

The quality of data representation in deep learning methods is directly related to the prior model imposed on the representations; however, generally used fixed priors are not capable of adjusting to the context in the data. To address this issue, we propose deep predictive coding networks, a hierarchical generative model that empirically alters priors on the latent representations in a dynamic and context-sensitive manner. This model captures the temporal dependencies in time-varying signals and uses top-down information to modulate the representation in lower layers. The centerpiece of our model is a novel procedure to infer sparse states of a dynamic model which is used for feature extraction. We also extend this feature extraction block to introduce a pooling function that captures locally invariant representations. When applied on a natural video data, we show that our method is able to learn high-level visual features. We also demonstrate the role of the top-down connections by showing the robustness of the proposed model to structured noise.

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