Extraction of spatio-temporal signatures from depth EEG seizure signals based on objective matching in warped vectorial observations

In the field of epilepsy, the analysis of stereoelectroencephalographic (SEEG) signals recorded with depth electrodes provides major information on interactions between brain structures during seizures. A comprehensive methodology of comparing SEEG seizure recordings is presented. It proceeds in three steps: 1) segmentation of SEEG signals; 2) characterization and labeling of segments; and 3) comparison of observations coded as sequences of symbol vectors. The third step reports a vectorial extension of the Wagner and Fischer's algorithm to first, quantify similarities between observations and second, extract invariant sequences of events, referred to as spatio-temporal signatures. The study shows that two observations of nonequal duration can be matched by deforming the first one to optimally fit the second, under cost constraints. Results show that the methodology allows to exhibit signatures occurring during epileptic seizures and to point out different types of seizure patterns. The study brings objective results on reproducible interactions between brain structures during ictal periods and may help in the understanding of epileptogenic networks.

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