Regional Integration and the Global Trading System
History, geography and regional economic integration, Anderson and Norheim measuring the effects of regionalism on trade and welfare, Srinivasan, Whalley and Wooton the North American free trade agreement - global impacts, Smith expanding EC membership and association accords - recent experience and future prospects, Winters East Asia as a regional force for globalism, Young regional integration agreements and foreign direct investment, Balasubramanyam and Greenaway regional integration agreements and macroeconomic discipline, Genberg and de Simone effects of international politics on regionalism in international trade, Mansfield holes and loopholes in integration agreements - history and prospects, Hoekman and Leidy what to expect from regional and multilateral trade negotiations - a public choice perspective, Leidy and Hoekman history and economics of GATTs article XX1V, Snape does regional integration foster open trade? - economic theory and GATTs article XX2V, McMillan the relationship between regional integration agreements and the multilateral order, Roessier rules of origin in customs unions and free trade trade areas, Palmeter dispute settlement in regional and multilateral trade agreements, Enders guarantees of market access and regionalism, Hindley and Messerlin adapting the GATT to a more regionalized world - a political economy perspective, Baldwin regional integration agreements, world integration and the GATT, Blackhurst and Henderson.