Development of Tactile Stimulators (TACTORS) for Use in Aircraft and Other Naval Vehicles.

Abstract : This final report includes work done from June 1995 through September 1996. The period of June through August 1995 is prior to the initiation of actual funding which began in September 1995. The reason for this, as explained in Progress Report #1 dated June/Sept 1995, is that early meetings and requirements of the program led all potential contractors to attend a series of meetings at NAMRL and elsewhere and, in some cases, to provide materials and consultative services to members of the NAMRL Staff and their consultants, Drs. Roger Cholewiak and Jan Weisenberger. The bulk of the materials presented below reflect hardware developments and services done during and after September 1995. The major focus of our work during this first phase of the program has been in three areas: (1) Participation in development of program standards; (2) Participation in development of auxiliary hardware used for tactor evaluations; and (3) Development and evaluation of new Tactors types. The materials presented here are organized according to these three categories listed as PART I, PART II, and PART III, respectively. The initial pages provide a list of all participating personnel from Audiological Engineering, their roles and dates of involvement, a list of all meetings and phone conferences, and a list of all hardware and documentation delivered during the program including the final tactor deliverables spelled out in the contract.