We present a new technique for identifying the dynamics of bolted joints. The technique relies on the comparison of the overall dynamics of the bolted structure to that of a similar but unbolted one. The di!erence in the dynamics of the two systems can be attributed solely to the joint; modelling this di!erence in the dynamics enables us to construct a non-parametric model for the joint dynamics. Non-contacting, laser vibrometry is utilized to experimentally measure the structural responses with increased accuracy and to perform scans of the structural modes at "xed frequency. A numerical algorithm is then developed to post-process the experimental data and identify the joint force. Theoretical calculations are "rst used to validate the technique, which is then utilized to identify a practical joint. Experimental force}displacement plots at the joint reveal clear hysteresis loops which, in turn, can be used to estimate the damping dissipation at the joint. Moreover, experimental frequency responses and scans of the mode shapes of the bolted structure reveal non-proportional damping and non-linear e!ects due to microimpacts of the connected beams at the bolted joint. ( 2001 Academic Press