Colocalisation of the protein tyrosine phosphatases PTP-SL and PTPBR7 with β4-adaptin in neuronal cells

The mouse gene Ptprr encodes the neuronal protein tyrosine phosphatases PTP-SL and PTPBR7. These proteins differ in their N-terminal domains, with PTP-SL being a cytosolic, membrane-associated phosphatase and PTPBR7 a type I transmembrane protein. In this study, we further explored the nature of the PTP-SL-associated vesicles in neuronal cells using a panel of organelle markers and noted a comparable subcellular distribution for PTP-SL and the β4-adaptin subunit of the AP4 complex. PTP-SL, PTPBR7 and β4-adaptin are localised at the Golgi apparatus and at vesicles throughout the cytoplasm. Immunohistochemical analysis demonstrated that PTP-SL, PTPBR7 and β4-adaptin are all endogenously expressed in brain. Interestingly, coexpression of PTP-SL and β4-adaptin leads to an altered subcellular localisation for PTP-SL. Instead of the Golgi and vesicle-type staining pattern, still observable for β4-adaptin, PTP-SL is now distributed throughout the cytoplasm. Although β4-adaptin was found to interact with the phosphatase domain of PTP-SL and PTPBR7 in the yeast two-hybrid system, it failed to do so in transfected neuronal cells. Our data suggest that the tyrosine phosphatases PTP-SL and PTPBR7 may be involved in the formation and transport of AP4-coated vesicles or in the dephosphorylation of their transmembrane cargo molecules at or near the Golgi apparatus.

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