The future of bipolar power transistors

Silicon based bipolar power transistor (BPT) as a switching power transistor has been replaced by other superior power devices in the past two decades. This transformation is primarily due to the poor performance of the BPT. Among many problems of the BPT, low current gain and small safe operation area (SOA) caused by the second breakdown have been most detrimental to silicon BPT's fate. However, BPT performance based on newer materials, such as wide bandgap semiconductors, has not been previously studied. This paper systematically compares the BPTs based on wide bandgap semiconductor materials. Device figures-of-merit for conduction and switching losses are proposed. Comparison of the BPT based on total power loss is then provided. Based on this work, it is concluded that BPTs based on wide bandgap materials overcome the critical disadvantages of silicon BPTs, and are capable of switching power operation at several hundred kilohertz frequencies at very high current densities and voltages. Therefore, BPTs based on wide bandgap materials are still very attractive switching power devices for the future.