High-Fidelity LTE Waveform Modeling for Commercial-DoD Spectrum Sharing: Characteristics and Methods

This paper describes LTE testing, measurement, and analysis being conducted by the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) Defense Spectrum Organization (DSO) to support Department of Defense (DoD) activities related to the Advanced Wireless Services 3 (AWS-3) auction. These activities include Carrier Coordinated Testing and Modeling, the development of a high-fidelity LTE test bed known as the Multi-UE LTE Emulator (MULE), and a collaboration with the National Advanced Spectrum and Communications Test Network (NASCTN) to conduct detailed testing. All of these activities support the DoD's ability to more realistically model LTE networks through coexistence analysis that will allow early commercial access to the 1755–1780 MHz frequency band while protecting DoD missions from interference prior to their transition out of the band.