Requirements Definition, Validation, Verification and Evalation of the CLIME Interface and Language Processing Technology

This document provides an overview of the requirements analysis, validation/verification and evaluation activities which were carried out during the construction of the MILE system. MILE stands for Maritime Information and Legal Explanation. The MILE system is an application of the generic CLIME architecture, where CLIME stands for Computerized Legal Information Management and Explanation. Both CLIME and MILE were developed as part of the CLIME project. CLIME was funded by the European Commission ESPRIT programme, project number EP 25.414. The partners in the project were British Maritime Technology Ltd., Bureau Veritas, TxT E-Solutions SPA, the University of Amsterdam and the Information Technology Research Institute (ITRI) of the University of Brighton.1 The project ran for three years (1998 2001). The focus of this paper is on those aspects of the development of MILE system which involved the natural language processing components and the user interface technology. Both of these were conceived and implemented at the ITRI in Brighton. 1At ITRI the CLIME team was led by Roger Evans and consisted of Lynne Cahill, Paul Piwek and Neil Tipper.