Ultrafast optical control of individual electron and hole spin qubits: entanglement between a single quantum dot electron spin and a downconverted 1560-nm single photon

Individual electron and hole quantum dot spin qubits can be coherently manipulated using picosecond modelocked laser pulses; an all-optical spin-echo was implemented that decouples slow environmental changes. While dephasing and decoherence mechanisms for electrons and holes are intrinsically different, similar qualitative results are obtained, except for dynamic nuclear polarization effects that affect the controllability of electrons. In addition, we demonstrate spin-photon entanglement in a charged InAs quantum dot, using an ultrafast downconversion technique that converts a single, spontaneously emitted photon at 900 nm into a 1560 nm photon with picosecond timing resolution. This ultrafast conversion technique allows quantum erasure of which-path frequency information in the spontaneous emission process.