손 힘 사용 측정 FSA 시스템의 성능 평가
The FSA(Force Sensitive Application) system measures hand force by using force resistance sensors. Compared to conventional hand force measurement systems such as Lafayette hand dynamometer and Jamar hydraulic hand dynamometer, the FSA system can be applied to analyze use of hand forces while the hand is manipulating objects for a task, However, the measurement performance of the FSA system has not been objectively evaluated. The present study tested the FSA system in terms of stability, repeatability, accuracy, and linearity. It is shown that the FSA system has good stability (CV≤0.02) and linearity(R²=0.82), but has low repeatability(CV=0.11~0.19) and accuracy(22% of underevaluation on average). This performance result indicates that measurements from the FSA system should be used for relative comparison rather than for absolute comparison.