Abstract : I transmit herewith a report on the future population of the United States. Forecasts of the population, by color, nativity, age, and sex, are presented, by 5 year time intervals, up to 1975, according to various combinations of assumptions as to the future trends of fertility and mortality. The present report is a revision of all earlier report, Estimates of Future Population of the United States, 1940-2000, which was prepared for the National Resources Planning Board by Warren S. Thompson and P. K. Whelpton of the Scripps Foundation for Research in Population Problems and published in August, 1943. The increasing interest in matters relating to population growth in the future led to an unexpected demand for this earlier report, which soon exhausted the supply. On May 18, 1945, the Census Committee on Demography recommended that the Bureau publish revised estimates of future population, utilizing not only the results of the 1940 census as did the previous report, but also current estimates of population embodying the changes of the war years.