So that you can make the most intelligent use of computers to collect, display, and analyze your neuronanatomical data, you need a certain level of knowledge about computing hardware and software. This chapter focuses on computing hardware, the electronic and mechanical equipment that is used to perform laboratory tasks. Chapter 3 offers an overview of typical computer programs, called “software,” that give the hardware its operating instructions. Both chapters provide information about computers and related laboratory equipment to the level of detail you require. Once you understand the material presented in this chapter and in Chapter 3, your expectations of what computers can do for you in the laboratory should be realistic. The information presented will also enable you to talk intelligently with the people who market computer systems for the laboratory.
R. Mize,et al.
Retinal synapses of the cat medial interlaminar nucleus and ventral lateral geniculate nucleus differ in size and synaptic organization
The Journal of comparative neurology.
R. Ranney Mize,et al.
The Microcomputer in Cell and Neurobiology Research
Bruce A. Artwick.
Microcomputer Interfacing
Herbert F. Voigt,et al.
A simple device for the computer quantification of depth measurements in thick light microscope sections
Journal of Neuroscience Methods.
D. G. Flaming.
A short review of current laboratory microcomputer systems and practice
Journal of Neuroscience Methods.
J. J. Capowski,et al.
A simple motor controller for computer-assisted microscopy
Journal of Neuroscience Methods.