First result from x-ray pulse height analyzer with radial scanning system for LHD

Radial profiles of x-ray spectrum have been successfully obtained using an assembly of x-ray pulse height analyzer in large helical device. The observed profile is obtained from plasma heated by ICRF and neutral beam injection (NBI). As a detector, Si(Li) semiconductor is used with a histogramming memory and analog-to-digital converter (ADC) basically working at high counting rate up to 500 kcps. In routine operation a count rate of 62 kcps has been normally obtained with energy resolution better than 400 eV at iron Kα line. The assembly is equipped with four detectors and a radial scanning system which modulates sight lines of the detectors in major radius direction. The profiles of electron temperature and the intensity of metallic impurities have been obtained with a spatial resolution of a few centimeters. Measured electron temperature is in good agreement with that from Thomson scattering. The system is applicable to steady-state discharge. The design philosophy of the assembly and recent results on the performance tests are also presented.Radial profiles of x-ray spectrum have been successfully obtained using an assembly of x-ray pulse height analyzer in large helical device. The observed profile is obtained from plasma heated by ICRF and neutral beam injection (NBI). As a detector, Si(Li) semiconductor is used with a histogramming memory and analog-to-digital converter (ADC) basically working at high counting rate up to 500 kcps. In routine operation a count rate of 62 kcps has been normally obtained with energy resolution better than 400 eV at iron Kα line. The assembly is equipped with four detectors and a radial scanning system which modulates sight lines of the detectors in major radius direction. The profiles of electron temperature and the intensity of metallic impurities have been obtained with a spatial resolution of a few centimeters. Measured electron temperature is in good agreement with that from Thomson scattering. The system is applicable to steady-state discharge. The design philosophy of the assembly and recent results on ...