PROMETHEE 기법을 이용한 댐 직하류 하천정비사업 투자우선순위 결정
Sometimes, there exist many alternatives for doing a SOC project. However, the limitation of the fund requires the determination of investment priority for the alternatives. This may be performed according to the degree of importance of individual alternatives. Especially, the river improvement project at the downstream of dams has complex and various values and this characteristics make it difficult decision-maker to do reasonable determination. This study aims to determine an investment priority of 33 alternatives in the river improvement project at the downstream of dams using PROMETHEE method which has advantages in determining the priority. In this study, we determined evaluation criteria and attributes by considering the functions and objectives of the river improvement project at the downstream of dams. The eigenvector method in AHP was used to estimate the relative importance of evaluation criterion. Based on the estimation, we determined investment priority of 33 alternatives by PROMETHEE method and the priority of alternatives was derived in the order of Juam regulation dam, Unmun dam, Yongdam dam and so on. The results of this study could provide a reasonable standard to the decision-maker for the determination of investment priority of alternatives.