Measurement of the blood flow of the nasal mucosa by the hydrogen clearance method.

The tissue blood flow of the nasal mucosa in normal subjects and patients with nasal allergy was studied by the hydrogen clearance method. The flow in the inferior turbinate in normal subjects and patients with nasal allergy did not differ. The test results were highly reproducible and were almost the same in different anterior parts of the inferior turbinate. The effects of nasal spray with vasoconstrictor and nasal provocation by an allergen-containing paper disc on the blood flow of the inferior turbinate were examined in normal subjects and patients with nasal allergy. The flow decreased remarkably after spray with vasoconstrictor. The flow also decreased remarkably in the mucosal membrane close to the area of contact of the allergen disc, whereas it increased at the area 10 mm away from the disc. The hydrogen clearance method is useful for clinical studies of nasal circulation.