Strategically Locating Soybean and Biodiesel Processing Facilities in Nebraska

FACILITIES IN NEBRASKA. The overall objective of the project was to conduct a statewide assessment to support the development of profitable soybean processing and biodiesel production facilities. Following is a summary of the activities and findings of the statewide assessment, which focused on available feedstocks, markets, and infrastructure across the state of Nebraska. The primary objectives of the study were to: • conduct a third party feasibility study and market analysis to evaluate the potential success and risk of investment associated with soybean processing and biodiesel production facilities located in Nebraska; • identify key site selection criteria for soybean processing and biodiesel production facilities and conduct a statewide assessment of the criteria (feedstocks, markets, and infrastructure) to identify the best location(s); and • identify and evaluate multiple business structures to position Nebraska soybean producers to capture the greatest value from soybean processing and biodiesel production. To complete these objectives, a project development team was formed of representatives The Nebraska Soybean Association also contracted with the Independent Biodiesel Feasibility Group (IBFG) to conduct the feasibility study and the University of Nebraska – Industrial Agricultural Products Center (IAPC) to provide further technical expertise, to coordinate the efforts of representatives from the multiple state agencies, and to prepare the final report of activities associated with the project. FIGURES Figure 1. Breakeven profitability at different world crude oil prices.