NASA's Space Communications and Navigation Program technology management process

Technology is fundamentally important as the NASA Space Communications and Navigation (SCaN) Program builds the communication infrastructure of the future123. SCaN is investing in advanced technologies for Radio Frequency (RF), optical communications, networking and navigation to enable future NASA missions to go far beyond today's current capability. A technology management plan was developed to define a management structure as well as the planning, execution, and evaluation processes to ensure that the needed technology will be developed and matured in time to meet NASA's mission goals in the most cost effective manner. This paper will provide an overview of NASA's Space Communications and Navigation (SCaN) Technology Management Plan (TMP) for technology investment and infusion. The paper will also address leveraging the Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) Program as a feeder for technology investments as part of the TMP. The TMP also ensures that SCaN has an accurate snap shot of key technology being developed across the nation by industry, NASA centers, other government agencies, small business, national laboratories and academia for consideration by NASA for leveraging.