Regenerating the cities : the UK crisis and the US experience

Urban revitalization in America and the UK - the politics of uneven development, Michael Parkinson and Dennis Judd urban revitalization in the US - prisoner of the federal system, Dennis Judd and David Brian Robertson social, economic and political trends and their impact on British cities, Michael Goldsmith Bristol - a study of economic change in the UK "Sunbelt", Martin Boddy local state response to economic decline - development and diversification strategies in Texas, Joe R. Feagin private sector urban regeneration - the Scottish experience, Robin Boyle the uses of linked development policies in US cities, Michael Peter Smith Liverpool's fiscal crisis - an anatomy of failure, Michael Parkinson the politics of redistribution in Chicago - is balanced growth possible?, Michael B. Preston race, politics and urban regeneration - lessons from Liverpool, Gideon Ben-Tovim the politics of planning New York as a world city, Norman I. Fainstein and Susan S. Fainstein.