An Experimental Study on Shallow Water Effect in Slamming

*Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Co., Ltd, Korea**Graduate School, Naval Architecture & Ocean Enginnering, Pusa n National Univerity, Busan, Korea***Naval Architecture & Ocean Enginnering, Pusan National Unive rity, Busan, KoreaKEY WORDS: Shallow water 천수, Water impact 입수충격, Impact pressure 충격 압력, Pressure time history 충격 압력 시계열, Pressure distribution 압력 분포, Spray jets 스프레이 제트.ABSTRACT: This study presents an experimental investigation of the shallo w water impact of a box type structure. The analysis was done b ased on the video images captured by a high speed camera, the flow f ield obtained by PIV (Particle Image Velocimetry), and pressure measurements in the divided region. The video images showed quite good agreemen t with the description given by Korobkin. The PIV measurements of the velocity field provided a clear view of the flow pattern for all three stages. The pressure was measured at the bottom of the tank with strain gauge type pressure gauges. The pressure measurements showed the character istics of divided regions.교신저자 권순홍: 부산광역시 금정구 장전동 산 30번지, 051-510-2347,