The Economic Evaluation of Grassland Ecosystem Services in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau

Referring to the methods of Costanza at el,this article revises the economic value of ecosystem services of natural grasslands in QinghaiTibet Plateau according to their biomass,estimates each ecosystem service of all kinds of grasslands ecosystems and concludes that the economic value of natural grasslands in QinghaiTibet Plateau per year is RMB ¥ 257×1011 that accounts for 1768% of the economic value of the grassland ecosystem services in ChinaAs the distribution scope of each kind of grassland and the ecosystem services per hectare are different,the weight of ecosystem services of each kind of grassland to all kinds of grasslands in different,in which the weights of alpine meadow,montane meadow and highcold steppe to ecosystem services of grassland ecosystems are 6252%,1414% and 1292%The article estimates the ecological value of each subregion of highcold grasslands according to the regional differentiation,and the result indicates that the ecological value of subregion has a trend of decreasing swiftly from southeast to northwest,which accords with the trend of the climate condition of QinghaiTibet Plateau that it is warm and humid in southwest,then cold and drought in northwestThis indicates that the regional distribution condition of ecosystems has direct impact on ecological valueThe estimation of ecological value of damaging grasslands into croplands shows that the ecological loss of Qinghai and Tibet is RMB ¥229×108,which accounts for 09% GDP of these two provinces