Junction-Based Traffic-Aware Routing scheme for vehicular ad hoc networks

In this paper, we present a routing scheme called Junction-Based Traffic-Aware Routing (JTAR). This scheme dynamically elects a non-static vehicle at each junction to function as a temporary access point and adopt a traffic information collection mechanism to obtain real-time traffic and network information. Based on the collected information and the degree by which the outgoing roads of each junction are diverged from the destination, we are able to determine a weighted score for each road and select the most reliable and efficient route for data packets to reach the destination. In addition, we also introduce a probe-merge method in the traffic information collection mechanism. This method not only reduces the overheads produced by the active probing method used in the mechanism, but also decrease the probing distance required to obtain information from neighboring junctions. The simulation results show that the proposed scheme achieves a higher delivery ratio and lower end-to-end delay.