On the condition number of the critically-scaled Laguerre Unitary Ensemble

We consider the Laguerre Unitary Ensemble (aka, Wishart Ensemble) of sample covariance matrices $A = XX^*$, where $X$ is an $N \times n$ matrix with iid standard complex normal entries. Under the scaling $n = N + \lfloor \sqrt{ 4 c N} \rfloor$, $c > 0$ and $N \rightarrow \infty$, we show that the rescaled fluctuations of the smallest eigenvalue, largest eigenvalue and condition number of the matrices $A$ are all given by the Tracy--Widom distribution ($\beta = 2$). This scaling is motivated by the study of the solution of the equation $Ax=b$ using the conjugate gradient algorithm, in the case that $A$ and $b$ are random: For such a scaling the fluctuations of the halting time for the algorithm are empirically seen to be universal.

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