After nine years of operation for users, the ESRF reliability reached a record uptime of 96.8% in 2001. In parallel to the effort to improve the operation, the upgrade of machine performances is being pursued. This paper will present an overview of the on-going developments. Tests to increase the current from 200 mA to 300 mA have been successfully initiated. Beam position stability has been further refined using a feedback and the installation of damping links on the magnet girders. Increased brilliance and extended tunability of undulators to higher energies are achieved with the operation of 4 invacuum undulators at gaps of 6 mm. Front-ends are being upgraded to withstand the power generated by 5 m long, 11 mm gap undulators. The test of the super-conducting SOLEIL type RF cavity is in full swing. The feasibility study of the Ultimate Storage Ring Light Source is under way.