Summary During the last 20 years IREQ has been extensively using its hybrid (analo~digital) real-time simulator to test conventional FACTS controllers based on line-commutated power electronics (SVCS and HVDC) as well as the new generation based on forced-commutated power electronics (AEP Inez UPFC, NYPA Marcy Convertible Static Compensator (CSC)) . Fully digital simulation tools are now sufficiently mature to be used in real-time simulation of FACTS and custom power controllers. This presentation will explain how the following simulation tools are used for the design and real-time testing of FACTS controllers: Matlab/Simulink & Power-System Blockset (PSB). PSB uses the state variable representation to simulate both power systems and control systems, Specialized PSB libraries contain power elements as well as control blocks necessary to design FACTS and custom power devices (such as IGBT or GTO bridges, PLL, square wave or PWM pulse generators). Matlab Real-Time Workshop (RTW). The Real-Time Workshop is used to generate C code of control systems developed in the PSB/Simulinl environment. The C code is then compiled and interfaced with the Hypersim real-time platform or with EMTP. Experience with large FACTS controllers has demonstrated that RTW generates highly efficient code that could be embedded in industrial type controllers. Hypersim real-time simulator. Hypersim is used to simulate large power systems off-line or real-time. It is based on the EMTP nodal method. Real time is achieved by automatic task mapping on a CC-NUMA multiprocessor system (Origin2000 SGI computer). The simulator is equipped with fast inputs/outputs for closed-loop testing of real controls. Its graphical user interface and automatic testing environment allow efficient test ing of FACTS controllers. Although Hypersim has built-in control blocks, the preferred approach for complex controllers is to use Simulink and C code generated by RTW. EMTP. When real time is not required, controller code produced by RTW can be also interfaced to EMTP, allowing to test FACTS controllers-in large power systems The design cycle of a FACTS controller, using these simulation tools, is presented below:
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