Research on Credibility Evaluation Framework of Manned-Spaceflight Training Simulator

A Manned-Spaceflight Training Simulator (MSTS) was the main training platform for Chinese astronauts. To determine the effectiveness of the training, simulation credibility of the MSTS must be verified. Therefore, this paper aims to establish a simulation credibility evaluation framework for an MSTS. Through reviewing existing evaluation systems, the evaluation framework for an MSTS was fundamentally established according to the training purpose of the simulator and the astronaut’s perspective. The framework contains two parts: static simulation and dynamic simulation, which can evaluate simulation credibility from visual, audio, and psychomotor sensory experience. The applicability and accuracy of the framework was basically proved by a questionnaire given to selected users of the MSTS and technical experts. Using this evaluation framework, the simulation credibility of an MSTS can be thoroughly scientifically tested.