Cooperation and prosocial behaviour

List of contributors Foreword Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal Introduction R. A. Hinde and J. Groebel Part I. Cooperation In Animals and Man: Editorial 1. Help, cooperation and trust in animals A. H. Harcourt 2. Culture and cooperation R. Boyd and P. J. Richerson Part II. The Development of Prosocial Propensities: Editorial 3. The development and socialization of prosocial behaviour P. A. Miller, J. Bernzweig, N. Eisenberg and R. A. Fabies 4. Cross-cultural differences in assertiveness/competition vs. group loyalty/cooperation H. C. Triandis 5. The development of prosocial behaviour in large-scale collective societies: China and Japan H. W. Stevenson 6. The learning of prosocial behaviour in small-scale egalitarian societies: an anthropological view E. Goody Part III. Situational and Personality Determinants of Prosocial Behaviour: Editorial 7. Situational and personality determinants of the quantity and quality of helping J. Fultz and R. B. Cialdini 8. Perceiving the causes of altruism W. C. Swap 9. Altruism J. Heal 10. Complications and complexity in the pursuit of justice S. D. Clayton and M. J. Lerner Part IV. Trust, Commitment and Cooperation: Editorial 11. The dynamics of interpersonal trust: resolving uncertainty in the face of risk S. D. Boon and J. G. Holmes 12. Commitment old and new: social pressure and individual choice in making relationships last M. Lund 13. Cooperation in a microcosm: lessons from laboratory games D. A. Good 14. Determinants of instrumental intra-group cooperation J. M. Rabbie Part V. Cooperation Between Groups: Editorial 15. Changing assumptions about conflict and negotiation J. Z. Rubin 16. Cooperation between groups H. Feger 17. The role of UNESCO in the development of international cooperation F. Mayor 18. US-Soviet cooperation against terrorism: common ground I. Beliaev and J. Marks 19. US policy towards the Soviet Union from Carter to Bush E.-O. Czempiel Name index Subject index.