A framework of location privacy and minimum average communication under the global eaves dropper

In wireless sensor network, the location privacy issues in sensor networks under this strong adversary model and computes a lower bound on the communication overhead needed for achieving a given level of location privacy. It uses two techniques to provide location privacy to monitored objects (source-location privacy)periodic collection and source simulationand two techniques to provide location privacy to data sinks (sink-location privacy)sink simulation and backbone flooding. These techniques provide trade-offs between privacy, communication cost, and latency. Security is critical for many sensor networks. Due to the limited capabilities of sensor nodes, providing security and privacy to a sensor network is a challenging task. In this project, couple-based detection scheme to early detect the node compromise attack in the first stage is discussed. Early detection of node compromise attack can lead to a more effective defense against the node compromise attack. Through analysis and simulation, that the techniques are efficient and effective for source and sink-location privacy in sensor networks.