Wasserentsalzung mit Membranverfahren: Das überarbeitete VGB-Merkblatt M 404
The VGB Instruction Sheet VGB-M 404 "Water Desalination with Membrane Methods" has been revised by the VGB working group "Chemistry of Water Treatment". The structure of the instruction sheet as initially used in the first edition of 1994 has been to a large extent kept. Central issues like the description of membrane and module types have been updated as well as some process engineering details. Three important improvements, however, have to be mentioned separately. Firstly, a new chapter about electro deionisa-tion (EDI) has been introduced. This is a continuously working, electro-chemical method for the production of demineralised water from permeate coming from a reverse osmosis unit. Secondly, a so-called "design matrix" has been developed. It is for use as a clearly arranged presentation of process engineering possibilities for an optimum design of the treatment steps, depending on the quality of the relevant inlet water at the respective step. Thirdly, a chapter about automation has been introduced. It lists the most relevant issues of measuring and controlling a reverse osmosis plant. The necessity for this results from the decision to abandon the instruction sheet M 406 "Automation of plants for water treatment" in the future. The central issues have been transferred into separate chapters of this instruction sheet and the VGB M 405 "Water Desalination by Ion Exchangers".