The Development of Innovative Learning Material with Problem Based Approach to Improve Students Competence in the Teaching of Physical Chemistry

Innovation learning material with problem based approach is beliefed to be applicable to improve students' competence as required by the Implementation of Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia, KKNI) curriculum on the teaching of Physical Chemistry. This research aimed to develop an innovative learning material with problem based approach to be used as a learning resources to improve students competence on Physical Chemistry. The research is conducted in Department of Chemistry Universitas Negeri Medan. The steps to be followed are including enriching of chemistry learning material on Physical Chemistry, setting the chemistry material in problem based approach, integration of laboratory experiment and learning activities, and implementation of innovative learning material in the class. The results obtained in the study has provided a standard and innovative learning package that are designed in problem based approach has been developed successfully that is suited to the KKNI curriculum. The problem based approach provided in the learning material is found to be able to guide the students to learn independently in Physical Chemistry. The students are found be able to construct the relationship between chemistry concept with daily life application. Integration of multimedia in the learning material has motivated the students to learn the topics and Physical Chemistry easy to learn. Innovative learning material has been proven to be able to improve students' competence since they are forced to do the work independently. The facility available in a learning package has adequate to guide the student for self

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