Database and expert systems applications : 7th International Conference, DEXA '96, Zurich, Switzerland, September 9-13, 1996 : proceedings

Using multiversion object-oriented databases in CAD/CIM systems.- Building inheritance graphs in object database design.- An object oriented methodological approach for making automated prototyping feasible.- A color-based technique for measuring visible loss for use in image data communication.- Establishing arc consistency for multiple database views.- Using a query language to state consistency constraints for repositories.- Case studies on active database applications.- Temporal support for geo-data in object-oriented databases.- Deriving active rules for workflow enactment.- Employing object-based LSNs in a recovery strategy.- Scheduling adaptive transactions in real-time databases.- Applying similarity in concurrency control for real-time database application.- View maintenance in object-oriented databases.- Object-orientation based on semantic transformations.- Multimedia scenes in a database system.- An intelligent system for integrating autonomous nomenclature databases in semantic heterogeneity.- A graph-oriented data model.- Controlled decomposition strategy for complex spatial objects.- The complexity of weak unification of bounded simple set terms.- A formal approach for horizontal fragmentation in distributed deductive database design.- Composite events in NAOS.- GENREG: A historical data model based on event graphs.- Binary integrity constraints against confidentiality.- Building hypertext interfaces to existing relational databases.- An efficient join for nested relational databases.- Parallel relational database systems: Why, how and beyond.- Experiences in object-oriented modeling of a real database application.- Signatures of complex objects for query processing in OODB.- Formal specification, object oriented design, and implementation of an ephemeral logger for database systems.- Cooperative agents in DISCIM environment.- Mining type schemes in databases.- A query processing method for integrated access to multiple databases.- Situation diagrams.- Design, implementation and management of rules in an active database system.- OLAF: The GOAD Active Database event/rule tracer.- Co-working and management of federated information-clusters.- Transaction-based application integration in workflow management systems.- Coping with mismatched semantics of dependencies in workflow applications.- The design of an integrated information system.- Query optimization in the CROQUE project.- A process of Fuzzy query on new Fuzzy Object Oriented Data model.- A replication schema to support weak connectivity in mobile information systems.- Constraints and composite objects.- A system for the management of aggregate data.- Database access in mobile environments.- Counting-based normalization for multiple linear recursions.- Partial semantics for disjunctive deductive databases.- Optimizing path expressions using navigational algebraic operators.- Modeling object behavior: To use methods or rules or both?.- The object-oriented design of KROSS: An object-oriented spatial database system.- Applying language engineering techniques to the question support facilities in VIENA classroom.- Model of mobile objects.- Real-time transaction scheduling in database systems.- Performance evaluation of new clustering algorithm in object-oriented database systems.- On the computation of disjunctive stable models.- An algebra for a temporal object data model.- Significant checkpoint in distributed system.- An architecture for interoperation of distributed heterogeneous database systems.- Scheduling queries for parallel execution on multicomputer database management system.- Data replication in a distributed system: A performance study.- An ontology for linear spatial reasoning.- Designing knowledge-based systems for optimal performance.- Match algorithm for a real time expert system.- On-line reorganization of data in scalable continuous media servers.- Recovery in main memory database systems.- M-IVTT: An index for bitemporal databases.- Dictionary methods for cross-lingual information retrieval.- Personalized search support for networked document retrieval using link inference.- Using conceptual graphs in a multifaceted logical model for information retrieval.- Automatic classification of semantic concepts in view specifications.- A generic subsumption testing toolkit for knowledge base queries.- Performance evaluation of tree-based structures.- Global page replacement in spatial databases.- On the optimality of degree of declustering.- Design and evaluation of signature file organization incorporating vertical and horizontal decomposition schemes.- The automatic generation of hypertext links in legal documents.- Query processing and optimization for broadcast database.- Developments in the database and expert systems applications domain.