Clinical Verification of Image Warping as a Potential Aid for the Visually Handicapped
The bulk of this research was to designed determine potential of the Programmable Remapper (PR) as a device to enhance vision for the visually handicapped. This research indicated that remapping would have potential as a low vision device if the eye position could be monitored with feedback to specify the proper location of the remapped image. This must be accomplished at high rate so that there is no lag of the image behind the eye position. Since at this time, there is no portable eye monitor device (at a reasonable cost) that will operate under the required conditions, it would not be feasible to continue with remapping experiments for patients with central field defects. However, since patients with peripheral field defects do not have the same eye positioning requirements, they may indeed benefit from this technology. Further investigations must be performed to determine plausibility of this application of remapping.