[Recovery after ketamine-diazepam and thiopental-fentanyl-infusion anesthesia with jet-ventilation for laryngomicroscopy].
Using two infusion anaesthesiamethods for laryngomicroscopy in 187 non-selected patients we studied the recovery phase with the aid of a special questionnaire filled in by the recovery room nurse. Premedication was with Thalamonal and atropine. Muscle relaxation was achieved by a succinylcholine drip. Induction doses: fentanyl 0.05-0.1 mg and thiopental 3-5 mg/kg bodyweight (Th-group) or diazepam 10-20 mg and ketamine 1 mg/kg bodyweight (K-group). Infusion doses: Thiopental 11.7 mg/min. (Th-group) or diazepam 0.2 mg/min. and ketamine 2 mg/min (K-group). Anaesthesia lasted for 20-30 min. We observed and noted during recovery: Breathing, cough-frequency and -quality, alertness, reaction to speech and stimulation, orientation, motor behaviour and well-being. Anaesthesia was sufficient in both groups. The patients of the K-group woke up earlier and their laryngeal reflexes seemed to stabilize quicker than in the Th-group. Because of the elevation of blood pressure caused by the stimulation of the laryngoscopy both methods are not recommended for patients at risk from high blood pressure.