The purposes of this study were to evaluate the significance of blood lactate values after competitions and the blood lactate-swimming speed relationship to swimming performances. Auricular blood samples (N = 421) were collected in 203 top level Italian swimmers (116 males and 87 females) at the end of competitions performed in a 25 m swimming pool. The distribution of all lactate values differed between males and females. The lowest lactate values occurred in swimmers performing the longest distances both in males (1500 m) and females (800 m). In swimmers performing freestyle events a relationship between V-4 mM (swimming speed at 4 mmol/l blood lactate value) and competition velocities was observed, in males, at 200, 400 and 1500 m and, in females, at 400 and 800 m. The predicted velocity corresponding to the competition lactate value assessed by the individual blood lactate-swimming speed relationship was found to be highly related to the actual competition velocity. Results suggest that blood lactate values in swimmers are a useful indication of individual aptitudes.