The Semantic Web, 3rd Asian Semantic Web Conference, ASWC 2008, Bangkok, Thailand, December 8-11, 2008. Proceedings

Scalable Reasoning and Logic.- A Modularization-Based Approach to Finding All Justifications for OWL DL Entailments.- DL???Lite and Role Inclusions.- Temporal Ontology Language for Representing and Reasoning Interval-Based Temporal Knowledge.- A Formal Semantics-Preserving Translation from Fuzzy Relational Database Schema to Fuzzy OWL DL Ontology.- A Tableau Algorithm for Possibilistic Description Logic .- SAOR: Authoritative Reasoning for the Web.- Scalable Distributed Ontology Reasoning Using DHT-Based Partitioning.- Versatile Semantic Modeling of Frame Logic Programs under Answer Set Semantics.- Ontology Mapping.- Deriving Concept Mappings through Instance Mappings.- Deep Semantic Mapping between Functional Taxonomies for Interoperable Semantic Search.- Ontology Modeling and Management.- ROC: A Method for Proto-ontology Construction by Domain Experts.- A Pattern Based Approach for Re-engineering Non-Ontological Resources into Ontologies.- Efficient Index Maintenance for Frequently Updated Semantic Data.- Towards a Component-Based Framework for Developing Semantic Web Applications.- Bounded Ontological Consistency for Scalable Dynamic Knowledge Infrastructures.- An Editorial Workflow Approach For Collaborative Ontology Development.- Identifying Key Concepts in an Ontology, through the Integration of Cognitive Principles with Statistical and Topological Measures.- Ontologies and Tags.- The Art of Tagging: Measuring the Quality of Tags.- STAN: Social, Trusted Annotation Network.- Consolidating User-Defined Concepts with StYLiD.- Human Language Technologies and Machine Learning.- An Integrated Approach for Automatic Construction of Bilingual Chinese-English WordNet.- Predicting Category Additions in a Topic Hierarchy.- Catriple: Extracting Triples from Wikipedia Categories.- Semantically Conceptualizing and Annotating Tables.- Semantic Assistants - User-Centric Natural Language Processing Services for Desktop Clients.- Exploiting Gene Ontology to Conceptualize Biomedical Document Collections.- Extracting Semantic Frames from Thai Medical-Symptom Phrases with Unknown Boundaries.- Refining Instance Coreferencing Results Using Belief Propagation.- Named Entity Disambiguation: A Hybrid Statistical and Rule-Based Incremental Approach.- Querying.- Exposing Heterogeneous Data Sources as SPARQL Endpoints through an Object-Oriented Abstraction.- Integrating Lightweight Reasoning into Class-Based Query Refinement for Object Search.- A Segmentation-Based Approach for Approximate Query over Distributed Ontologies.- A Robust Ontology-Based Method for Translating Natural Language Queries to Conceptual Graphs.- Snippet Generation for Semantic Web Search Engines.- Semantic Web Services and Semantic Web Applications.- Semantic Telecommunications Network Capability Services.- Understanding Semantic Web Applications.- A Formal Model for Classifying Trusted Semantic Web Services.