This paper presents a second version of the 3DSkyView extension. The purpose of that extension was to implement a calculation algorithm for assessment and visualization of sky view factors (SVF) by means of tools available in a Geographical Information System (GIS). The sky view factor is a thermal and geometric parameter pointed out in the specialized literature as one of the main causes of urban heat islands. A 3D-GIS is a powerful tool for reaching the goal of this research because it allows the storage, treatment and analysis of tri-dimensional urban data, in addition to a high level of flexibility for incorporating calculation algorithms. The objective in the 3DSkyView extension is to optimize the determination of that factor, not only reducing its demanding calculation and graphical representation time, but also generating a simplified tool for replacing expensive photographic equipment usually applied on this matter. Enhancing functions of ArcView GIS 3.2, the first version of that extension showed a very good performance allowing the automatic delineation and determination of SVF. That performance was although limited to a single observer point. The simulation of SVF for several view points in urban canyons was only possible by applying the extension as many times as the number of observers considered. Therefore, this second version was now developed in order to allow simultaneous determination of SVF for many view points. In addition, the 3DSkyView new interface is more flexible, in a way that the user may choose the kind of output wanted (graphical and/or tabular). With this new feature it is then easier to create a continuous SVF map for an entire area.
Lee Chapman,et al.
Rapid determination of canyon geometry parameters for use in surface radiation budgets
C. Ratti,et al.
Urban texture analysis with image processing techniques
T. Oke.
Canyon geometry and the nocturnal urban heat island: Comparison of scale model and field observations
Douw G. Steyn,et al.
The calculation of view factors from fisheye‐lens photographs: Research note
T. Oke.
Street design and urban canopy layer climate
I. D. Watson,et al.
The determination of view-factors in urban canyons
J. Mattsson,et al.
Canyon geometry, street temperatures and urban heat island in malmö, sweden