Supporting forensic fire cause analysis with next generation mobile devices by assembling a BIM based on multiple integrated sensor data
A major part of the post-fire investigation is collecting evidence. During this documentation of the scene, a big heap of data from different sources is created. Storing, sorting and archiving the information is a time-consuming process. In addition, the search for the right information in the unrelated data may delay the analyses of the incident. To speed up the investigation and to support the investigators this paper introduces a new way of collecting and handling data with a single next generation mobile device from Google Project Tango. At the centre of the approach is a building information model (BIM), which is based on an open standard exchange format. The geometric model of the BIM is semi-automatically derived from point cloud data. The point clouds are recorded by the mobile device during the documentation of the scene. Once the BIM has been created, all data collected will be linked to it. This renders subsequent manual archiving of the data by the user unnecessary. Furthermore, it enables the investigator to easily browse the collected data, extract sketches, diagrams and item lists or exchange the generated digital model of the scene with other tools for further use.