A single-team experience of limb sparing approach in adults with high-grade malignant fibrous histiocytoma.

Malignant fibrous histiocytoma (MFH) is the most common subtype of soft-tissue sarcoma (STS). When located in a limb, MFH, is currently treated with limb sparing surgery (LSS) followed by radiation therapy (RT). During 8 years, 42 adult patients with high-grade limb MFH were approached by LSS and RT. Our results reflect a single-team experience and point to several important conclusions. High grade MFH, treated by conservative approach, lead to a 10-year relapse-free survival of 62% and a 10-year overall survival rate of 80%. Recurrences of MFH tend to occur during the first 2 years. Relapse-free survival was affected mainly by location in the lower limb vs. the upper limb, irrespective of the tumor size. Patients who had their diagnostic biopsies in another medical center had a greater tendency to local and systemic relapse. It seems that the most important clues for disease-free survival are the team experience and cooperation. All other factors are tumor-biology dependent, and thus far are beyond our control.