Computer applications in orthopaedics.

With the rapid developments in microprocessors, the widespread availability of computers has brought about broad applications in the field of orthopaedics. The present technology enables large quantities of data to be logically processed in a very short span of time. This has led to the development of information management database systems where relevant medical information may be retrieved very quickly and effectively. The analytical power of the computer has also been utilised in expert systems to assist in clinical-decision making process. Computer graphics have revolutionised the visualisation of physical features of internal and external body parts, providing new and improved modalities of diagnosis. In some centres, surgical planning and rehearsals are already being carried out at the computer terminal with the use of animation and computer graphics. Computer technology has also played an active role in the field of prosthetics and rehabilitation. Intelligent robotic systems and microprocessor with functional neuromuscular stimulation have been applied to benefit, and in some cases restore some motor functions to the physically disabled. With more collaboration between engineers, scientists and the medical community, several prototypes of computer-controlled prostheses and prosthesis designed and manufactured by Computer-Aided Design/Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAD/CAM) technology are available today to assist the amputees in their daily living and ambulatory activities.