A terrestrial viviparous salamander into water: notes on the unusual larval aquatic development in Salamandra lanzai

(Thecadactylus rapicauda [Houttuyn], Cnemidophorus deppii Wiegmann [as Cnemidophorus sp.], Dryinarchon corais [Boie], and Masticophis mentovarius [Dumeril, Bibron, & Dumeril]) were not found in the Rus Rus region, but are likely to occur there. The Mocoron region also supports broadleaf forest and pine savanna like the Rus Rus region. Nicholson et al. (2000) stated that about 105 species of amphibians and reptiles were expected to occur in the nearby Parque Nacional Patuca. The total herpetofauna of the projected biotic reserve of Rus Rus should contain a similar number of species. The identity of two species of Eleutherodactylirs collected in this survey are still under study. At least one of these species has not previously been recorded in Honduras. In addition, the specimen of Corallus annulatus represents the first from the country with unequivocal locality data. This species was known previously from the country based on an adult female (and her captive born 14 offspring) that was shipped to the USA by a Honduran animal dealer.