[Reliability and validity of the Anaesthesiological Questionnaire for electively operated patients].

OBJECTIVE The Anaesthesiological Questionnaire (ANP) is a self-rating method for the assessment of postoperative complaints and patient satisfaction. The questionnaire consists of two parts. Part 1 assesses the intensity of symptoms regarding the postoperative period in the "recovery-room and the first hours on the ward" (19 items) and the "current state" (17 items). Part 2 assesses patient satisfaction with the anaesthetic care as well as the unspecific perioperative care and postoperative convalescence. The questionnaire was designed to fulfill the criteria of reliability and validity and to serve as a practicable means of auditing the quality of routine clinical practice. METHODS A total of 1,112 patients older than 18 years completed the questionnaire after an elective operation. Additionally data concerning the type of anaesthesia were recorded from the anaesthesia chart. To determine retest-reliability, 94 patients competed the ANP twice postoperatively. RESULTS The participants of the survey represented 74.6% of the total collective. Out of 19 items 16 had a retest-reliability of r(tt)>0.70, the 3 other items had a reliability of r(tt)>0.50. Reliability (Cronbach's Alpha) of the patient satisfaction scales was between r(tt)=0.76 and r(tt)=0.91. In relation to the period immediately after anaesthesia,women reported more postoperative complaints than men but no differences were found between male and female patients with regard to satisfaction with perioperative care. Younger patients (18-49 years old) described more postoperative complaints than older patients and a lesser degree of satisfaction with perioperative care. There were plausible differences in postoperative complaints between patients who received general vs. regional anaesthesia. Patients reported less postoperative complaints after TIVA than after volatile anaesthetics. The configuration of patient characteristics and anaesthesia gives indications to "risk groups" who predominantly suffer after anaesthesia. CONCLUSIONS The Anaesthesiological Questionnaire (ANP) is a reliable and valid method for the assessment of postoperative complaints and patient satisfaction.