1930年代 海洋都市 釜山의 洋風 建築樣式에 관한 연구

This sutdy is to understand the consequence through observing the meaning and character of some important building style in the sea port city Busan which has been located like a bridge in terms of the inflow process of modern culture to Korea from outside. First, the modern western architectural style in Busan during 1930s is closely related to the of Japanese architectural style changing in that era. Second, process of inflow of the western building style that was made through the result of social factors from the conflict of foreign building style and traditional Japanese building style was introduced by japanese and that was effected on the architectural style in Busan. Nevertheless, it is difficult to be mensioned that this inflow process of the architectural style represents all architectural style of the modern architecture in Busan. Confirming the trouble of traditional building style and inflow style namely, necessary part of korean western compromising style that certainly existed in that time need to be studied as well.