Geopolitização de internações: uma solução baseada no programa estatístico R para a implantação de possibilidades de análise baseadas no sistema de informação hospitalar

Objective: This work details a method of geolocation of data on hospital admission authorizations, disclosed through the hospital information system. Methods: the present work can be classified as methodological development. In order to spatializedata of the AIHs wecreateda script using the software R, based on the packages downloadDataSUS and CepR. The script was applied to survey the AIHs in Goias, for the year 2015. After downloading and pre-processing of the data, the IAHs were spatialized and could be geolocated. Results: 97.58% of the AIHs processed in 2015 in Goias were geolocated. Of the 295,670 AIHs processed, it was possible to extract 24,220 different Zip codewith a success rate of geolocation of 98.72%. Conclusion: The method detailed in this paper opens a new range of possibilities for the design of evaluative studies, formulation of policies and planning of health care actions.