Usable Access Control Enabled by Sensing Enterprise Architectures

We are watching an exponential increase on the amount and type of devices with Internet connectivity capabilities, from very common nowadays smartphones to other more specialized devices such as machine tools in industrial environments. This is leading to what is known as the Internet of Everything (IoE), which is an evolution of the concept of the internet of things (IoT), in which a huge number of devices (50 billion by 2020 according to Cisco) will interconnect people, things, processes, information, etc. All this connectivity is intrinsically linked with the generation of a huge amount of heterogeneous information, known as BIG DATA, This boost of information is turning companies of the future in "Sensing Enterprises", as an enterprise making use of the sensing possibilities provided by interconnected 'environments', anticipating future decisions by using multi-dimensional information captured through physical and virtual objects, and providing added value information to enhance its global context awareness (Santucci et al., 2012). Today's businesses are beginning to evaluate and exploit using advanced analytical techniques that allow them to find patterns among consumers, define more effective business strategies, analyse market reactions, and improve their processes (cost reduction, increased production quality, streamline activities, improving information for decision making, enhance collaboration, etc.). This unavoidably immerses them in the competitive nature that comes with the